Relationchef egg image for thumbnail
Rocke Bottom dust jacket design
Editorial Design

Rocke Bottom

Rocke Bottom dust jacket design
Relationchef egg image for thumbnail
Editorial Design

Rocke Bottom

A book with a story worth telling.

This project required in-depth research with a subject of my choosing, and developing an editorial concept and narrative strategy, write original text, and generate original imagery.

My subject had a very rough childhood all the way through adulthood, including abusive parents, manipulative family members, and monster bosses; these traumatic experiences are good fuel for a story worth telling, especially with the promise of a brighter future. This book has an elongated landscape orientation, so that holding the book might be uncomfortable, and makes it feel like it might fall if not held properly.

The dust jacket and book cover is dark to communicate the shadow that is my subject's childhood. In some of my interviews he told me that he has mostly blocked out his childhood memories, showing the need for a dark beginning to the book. I used a combination of ink and digital manipulation to create the imagery.

This project required in-depth research with a subject of my choosing, and developing an editorial concept and narrative strategy, write original text, and generate original imagery.

My subject had a very rough childhood all the way through adulthood, including abusive parents, manipulative family members, and monster bosses; these traumatic experiences are good fuel for a story worth telling, especially with the promise of a brighter future. This book has an elongated landscape orientation, so that holding the book might be uncomfortable, and makes it feel like it might fall if not held properly.

The dust jacket and book cover is dark to communicate the shadow that is my subject's childhood. In some of my interviews he told me that he has mostly blocked out his childhood memories, showing the need for a dark beginning to the book. I used a combination of ink and digital manipulation to create the imagery.

Rocke Bottom book mockup 1
Rocke Bottom book mockup 1

The cover shows Jason (represented by the name of the book) floating down a chasm into the darkness. The white lines represent prison bars, a feeling of confinement, however, they are starting to bend and break — a hint that the end of the book suggests a brighter future. 

Rocke Bottom book mockup 2
Rocke Bottom book mockup 3
Rocke Bottom book mockup 4

Chapter 2 title spread

The eerie feeling that the shape creates is enhanced with a green-yellow overlay, further making the viewer feel the uneasiness the call is supposed to evoke.

Rocke Bottom book mockup 5
Rocke Bottom book mockup 6
Rocke Bottom book mockup 7
Rocke Bottom book mockup 8
Rocke Bottom book mockup 9

The endpapers show a progression of a man falling into the abyss, to a man casually walking out of the pit he fell into at the beginning of his journey.